So, I have spent the entire day trying to set up my blog- somebody please shoot me, or at least hand me a large Gin and Tonic in a tall glass with extra lime! The worst thing is...setting up a blog is suppose to be SIMPLE. I can get myself on an international flight (in joke with Mr Messy aka "the husband"), hustle my way around a Harvey Nicks store on the first day of the sales, appear on behalf of a client in front of a Judge (okay, so I really hated that one but I still managed it!), whip up a mean raspberry clafoutis and a diirty martini* but computers? Arrggggh. Not how I roll.
I am guaranteed of at least one computer related "moment" per day- generally involving photoshop CS3. But today it was this jolly blog! I have been messing around trying to get my FTP's, DNS's and http's sorted from my url's and sFTP's. Around 3pm I went completely shouty crackers and took myself for a soothing photowalk - it worked, sort of.
So, why am I entering the heady world of blogging? Well, this is what I have come up with so far:
- I refuse to be the last person on earth without a blog;
- It is terribly self indulgent- and I adore a bit of shameless self indulgence!
- My "proper" website is "under construction" and appears to be more or less permanently so due to my computer, um, "issues";
- I am sick of whinging to myself (it never gets me anywhere) so now I can whine to the world at large. Sure, it will probably still get me nowhere but it feels so good;
- I am supremely confident that an art director from a glossy magazine or advertising agency will randomly happen across my blog, LOVE my work and commission me for a big editorial or advertising campaign. Yep, this is DEFINITELY going to happen and sooner rather than later ;)
- My friends and family back home in Aussieland often wonder what the heck I am up to over here in London due to some rather, um, re- lax-ed emailing habits (she types while looking around, whistling ) so this is a way of conning my A-List (you know who you are!) into looking at my photographs while letting them know I haven't been trampled to death by Christian Louboutin wearing fashionistas on the mean, lean streets of London;
- I am useless at keeping up with flickr, MySpace is way too cool for school, and facebook, well, I am a teensy bit over it;
- I am a self confessed blogstalker- now I want MY own blogstalkers. Even if there is only 2 of you.....(A listers, this is where you come in and make me look super popular- pleeeeeease!);
- I do a fair bit of "street photography" and often get asked by people why I want to take their photo. I normally mumble something unintelligible about a portfolio, street fashion, a project I am working on etc- which are all true- BUT don't make me seem overly sane (nobody comment on my sanity or lack there of, please!) or professional. At least now I can proudly say that "it is for my widely read and uber cool style blog!"
- Just because...
*um, yeah, so I don't really know how to make a dirty martini, not even a martini but it makes me sound rather hip!
**the photograph landed at the top of the post- it was suppose to be at the bottom. Mmmmmm another slight technological problem I need to sort out...along with about 20 others! I took this in London a couple of days ago- a young boy, his boisterous pup, playing chasey in the park- I couldn't resist a photograph. The dog's name was Charlie- I didn't catch the boys name. Typical Messy ;)
She's a photographer, she's smart, she's sassy, she's creative, she's beautiful inside and out... And now a highly entertaining and endearing blogger! Is there anything the Ned can't do?
ReplyDeleteThank you for starting this. I am going to love love love stalking you out on the web and following the enchanting meanderings of your oratorical ramblings.
Hip hip for you - you're such a star!
PS: # 5 WILL happen.... in the words of the indian from Waynes World 2 - "if you build it they will come!"
PPS: move on from Feist :) Check out Florence & The Machine: "Dog Days Are Over" & "Kiss With a Fist" - also lovin' Skint & Demoralised "The Thrill of Thirty Seconds"
ReplyDeleteheh heh, Skint & Demoralised, such a cool name... sums me up!
Woo Hoo! Go me- I have 2 comments on my blog already! Thank you to the lovely Eva Cusack for her most wonderful musings above (all TRUE of course;-)) And in case anyone is wondering Ms Ewah DOES exist and isn't simply me sneakily making comments on my own blog- as if I would EVER contemplate doing such a thing;)
ReplyDeleteRe music yes, I must get myself up to date...last night, in my "blog/computer induced coma" I found myself downloading Dire Straits 'Romeo and Juliet'! TRAGIC- I am living in the 1980's! Maybe I am so retro in my music tastes that I am actually very, very cool :)
Nostalgia in musical taste is only ok if it is mixed with a forward thinking appreciation of what is currently out there as well. That's my opinion at least :)
ReplyDeleteHi from down under!!! Let the stalking begin! this A lister from Down Under Aussieland, guess which one, LOVES your blog. I concur with all of Eva's comments and now the world (hopefully no one too weird) will love your blog too. Come on all you uber powerful magazine editors especially!
ReplyDeleteI am typing on my new laptop that I do not know how to really use yet-and as I am somehow illegally using someone elses non password protected internet access, who knows if this will even be able to go up on said blog anyway?! I am hearing you re the computer issues. But I like to think, typing away in my glasses, that I look the part :)
C xx
PS Yes 80s music IS retro cool-so say me who looks forward to knowing how to download on this new bit of stuff I am typing on- I would also prescribe you a dose of Blur (Coffee and TV) and a touch of Sting.
OMG, Ms C, thank goodness you are Anonymous (um, only heids, me, and you know its you!!)given your um ever so slightly dodgy internet access!! I am giggling wildly as I type- you know I love a bit of secret squirrel activity ;)
ReplyDeleteWelcome Ms C to the blog- I applaud you on your participation esp on the brand new "it's not a Dell" laptop!
Now who the heck is this Blur chappy? I have not heard of him/them. I shall investigate.
loving your work :)
A new obsession. Hope you enjoy it more than flickr
ReplyDeleteCharlie is an angel. I love dogs. I love beautiful things, places, people, clothes..
ReplyDeleteAND now I know that my 'beautiful' equals with Your blog. I am very happy for people like you. Continue doing what You do!
I WILL stay tuned!