Thursday, 10 September 2009

London Street Style...Going Up: Grey Tights

Love her grey tights/brown brogue combination.


  1. She is great ! What a smile ! And the way she stands ! Sometimes, I would like to know the "little story" behind the photo: how did you meet, hase she decided to stand that way or did you told her ?
    So many questions !!!

  2. What a surprising and successful juxtapositon!

  3. Rose: Okay, actually, I was going to write more about how this photo came about but I ran out of time this morning as one of my friend's was arriving in London from Australia! Anyhoo, she (I didn't catch her name) actually wasn't keen to have her photograph taken but the guy she was with was saying "go on, go on, do it!!!". So she said yep, lets do it but I'm not going to pose. I said, no problem, why don't you just stand over there on the white line and I'll just shoot...and then a pigeon came zooming past, right in front of us, and we all cracked up. And that is when I clicked the shutter button for this shot :)))

  4. Thank you so much Vanessa ! I like the story: give us some more, pleaaaaaaaaaase !
