Wednesday 17 February 2010

Running With The Fash Pack...London Fashion Week SS 2010


  1. who is she? so thin and so elegant.

  2. Chic Noir- Argghhhh- this is where my useless name recalling comes in! I am great at remembering people's faces but not their names (unless I write them down). Anyhoo, this gorgeous girl I have photographed twice now- 1st time was in February last year when she was wearing an amazing yellow strapless dress (despite it being freezing!) and then last September. She isn't a model (although I think she should be) but works in fashion.....I shall endeavour to find out more about her this week for you. And hopefully get to photograph her again!

  3. her name is marian kihogo, stylist, she does have a blog :)

  4. That's Marian! Omg! Love her, such a sweet girl! She's a stylist and blogger and wow, she really has come a long way!!!

    Here's her site, if it helps!

    I love your blog Vanessa!

  5. Ooooo Thanks Anon and cd!!!!!! Brilliant :))))

  6. OMG! To die for pants!!! Must have them!

  7. *Brillant!**
    L'association des couleurs est à tomber! Ce bleu incroyablement éclatant ressort à merveille sur sa peau; et que dire de cette ligne si élégante!
    Vraiment réussi!
