Tuesday, 22 March 2011

Paris Fashion Week AW 2011...Anna

Anna Wintour on her way into Louis Vuitton.


  1. wow, how did you manage to get her to stand still for a photo? she's gorgeous, as ever...

  2. @stylethusiast- ha ha! No,no she was walking in! I think she had given her security guys the slip because just after we took this a guy came racing in behind her.

  3. wow congratz. and u got her without one of her guys which is so rare.


  4. This photo is priceless! Great shot, you're so lucky! Best shot I've seen of Anna thus far ;)

  5. Wow, now this has to be the holy grail of Fashion Week photography right?! Incredible shot!

    Also, I feel we're long overdue for a meet (fellow Australian in London, for me politics, rather than lawyer, turned fashion). We seem to have a ton of mutual friends and everytime I bumped into Hannah (Capture The Castle) at LFW, she kept saying 'oh, I need to introduce you to Vanessa but you just missed her', etc. etc.

  6. I am amazed: how did you manage to get the crowd of photographers which always follows her out of the pic?


  7. Where's her entourage of bodyguards? How did you do this??? Brilliant capture.

  8. And she can't give up these furs, can she?

  9. @PD- I think maybe what happened is that traffic was banked up and Anna didn't want to be late for Marc so she got out of her car and walked.....and the security detail didn't realise until after she was almost in. The guy looked pretty stressed as he was running!

    @Davidikus- they were there! We just spotted her first :)

    @A Girl, A Style- hey you should have come said hello! I adore Hannah!! Although fashion week is one of those places where it is possible to miss bumping into people as there are always so many people around.

  10. so. intimidating. great photo of a powerful woman though!!

  11. Oh my gosh! She looks so cute like a mogwai or Helena Bonham Carter's character in Planet of the Apes!
    ...And before everyone loses their s**t and thinks I'm insulting the Great Wintour... I'm not. I like her. Didn't give a damn about her until 'The September Issue'. Now I have a lot of respect for her. She's not an amazing woman but she is certainly a strong woman.

    She just looks cute. And rather vulnerable. An excellent photograph not just because of the circumstances surrounding the 'capture'.
