Saturday 6 June 2009

London Street Style...Denim Shorty-Shorts

Two versions of denim (short) Shorty-Shorts
Two different styles
Two gorgeous girls
Shot within Two Minutes of each other (okay, so it was more like five minutes but I'm on a Two roll here!)
Too, Too HOT :)


  1. wow, i am in love with your blog. these outfits are gorgeous, and so hard to pull off.

    thanks for posting this!

  2. Hey Vanessa (weird- when I saw "Vanessa" I thought crap, I hope I haven't commented on my own blog post by accident- that would be embarrassing!).Thanks so much for your lovely comment :) I forgot to say that I asked the first girl whether it was "the done thing" to wear the pockets peeking out the bottom of the shorts- I guess it is as that is what I have been seeing a lot "on the streets". I am trying to think back to the 70's and what happened back then to the pockets on short shorts...

  3. great blog- so glad i discovered it! look forward to featuring it on holier than now!



  4. hey just discovered your blog today and i think it's awesome! :)

  5. Jacket cuffs rolled back to display striped lining is more successful than the shock of white pocket against her tights. Somehow the peeking pockets favor the shabby shorts in the second look. She uses color well and her sweater is scrumptious.

  6. whoa! i just found this blog through bloglovin' and i'm absolutely hooked! every shot is so gorgeous. i will most definitely be returning again and again.

  7. Heya everyone- thank you SO much for all the comments!
    Holier- ha! love that blog name :):)
    Sarah and Mat Ahoy and Roxanne- thank you both. Actually, I should be thanking Susie from StyleBubble for featuring me on her blog cos without her I would be back to 6 blog readers ;-)
    Cameron- yeah, I really like the way the 2nd girl has that "Mary Quant" influence going on with her hair, gold sweater (it even looks like 1960 fabric), brown boots and pale, pale lips. But then the top girl could also wear a Coles shopping bag and she would look fab!

  8. as much as i love your blog, it makes me very jealous. jealous of your photos and all these gorgeous, fashionable people!

    your photography is ahmazing, good thing you gave up law :)

    i adore the top girl, her outfit is wicked (love the short shorts and doc martens), but as you said, she probably would look fab in a coles bag . *sigh* . . .

    anyway, would you mind if i featured some of your photographs on my blog from time to time? with lots of credit of course . - its not very good anyway aha :)

    lucy x

  9. Hey lucy (yay for us Aussies!) thank you So much for your lovely words-but I get SO jealous of other people's photos as well and of the amazing people that they capture. I just figure that if I practice, practice, practice then one day, fingers crossed, I will be able to take photos as good as theirs. One can only live in hope anyway :)
    Ha Ha- the green shopper Coles bag was the one I was thinking of when I typed that!
    'Course you can use my photos :)

  10. Damn, I should visit London again...these ladies are absolutely gorgeous!
