Wednesday, 26 May 2010

Running With The Fash Pack....Australian Fashion Week 2010

I completely adore this fuschia dress on model Tiah Eckhardt. It hugs in all the correct places and looks amazing with her red hair.

p.s.Tiah has the cutest little 6 month old baby girl!!


  1. I'm a red head and think that I can't wear pink, because it makes me look like I am on fire, but I find these pictures inspiring so thanks!!

  2. @kate funk- I used to be a red head (I am a natural blonde who now needs major help from the bleach and the hairdresser!) and I used to wear hot pink including Nars Schiap lipstick :)) Probably I looked odd but I was happy wearing what I wanted. You should go for it, kate!

  3. I love the fuschia with the red hair! I'm a red head and I've always been scared of wearing fuschia, or any bright pink for that matter. But I love bright colours, so I might look for something amazing in fuschia. Great inspiration!

    And that fur coat is BEAUTIFUL.

  4. so the gorgeous dress aside... how do people look like THIS only 6 months after giving birth???!!!

  5. wow she looks stunning! so special!

  6. such vivid colours, even though she's mostly wearing black. love it

  7. fuschia + red = perfection!


  8. Love the fuschia and red together.

  9. the dress looks like that tacky thing you buy in junior high school for $25 to wear at the school dance... no at all fabulous, sorry

  10. how to be a redhead ( definitely loves this!!!! the red hair the model has may not be for everyone, but she is rockin' it!!! with the right shade of pink and the proper makeup, any redhead can look fabulous!
