Sunday 27 September 2009

Running With The Fash Pack...London Fashion Week SS 2010

Red hair + the hottest tights of the season: POLKA DOTS! .Love.

I seriously adore the way Filippa Smeds (from Stockholm) has paired her dainty Balenciaga-ish tights with those tough eyelet boots, zippered shorty-shorts and simple grey sweater. Oh but her hair! Wow! I can't decide what I am loving more right now: platinum blonde or red hair :)


  1. I love her tights! But I do believe they are hearts, not polka dots...

  2. Raquelle! I think you might be right!!!! Oh dear, I think I need my eyes tested ;-))))Sorry Filippa, love your heart tights!

  3. Gorgeous! I love her hair and your style. Looks amazing.


  4. Hi Vanessa,

    I was wondering what you were up to? Had a look at your Flickr site and found you here! Wow things have changed... I must say you are truly amazing, I am so happy for you... You really took it all the way!!


  5. Hi (Messy) Vanessa,

    I was wondering what you have been up to? So I had a look at your Flickr profile and clicked on the link to this blog. I am stunned in a very positive way... from lawyer to photogrpaher, I think you are my new found hero. You are really taking it all the way! I think I am going to need a few days to digest this.

    Your photography is spot on by the way. I can see that you are loving it.



  6. i love her tights! and i want her hair :) great pics!

  7. V,

    Do me a favor? Put a point in the platinum blonde column for me? (Shocker, I know!)

    P.S. With 'blonde on the brain,' I posted an entry all about my love for all things fair-haired today and included a special shout-out/thank you to you for all of your enticing platinum pics ;)

  8. MaeGal and Lau-ra: Have decided that I am officially obsessed by red hair!
    Bargain Bex- Woo Hoo! I shall be over to check it out soon :))))But now I am thinking maybe red is the way to go???? After Paris we shall see :))))
    Ravan- thank you, thank you :)))) Have flickr-mailed you :))

  9. Oh wow! Her hair is just incredible. Love the mix of girly/tough in her outfit also...

    You take fantastic images,
    Emma Louise
