Sunday 23 October 2011

Paris Fashion Week SS 2012...Emmanuelle

Emmanuelle Alt, Editor in Chief, French Vogue.


  1. Her style is absolutely like mine: skinny-down, edgy-up


  2. It's funny that her legs are almost invisible ^^

  3. @anon- yep that was my bad for having the wrong exposure!

  4. I think it's quite cool actually :)

  5. Can anyone seem more chic and effort-less at the same time??!! I don't know how she manages but she always looks as though it took her 3 mins to get ready and still looks AMAZING.
    Always love your work Vanessa, you really capture the aura of the individual with your camera and transmit a lot about the person without even knowing them, love it!

  6. those shoes!!! they are haunting me. valentino or d&g?? do you know?

  7. @Cindy- argh! I don't know. Does Tommy have them on his blog? He would know fo sho!

    @Luxe Vida- I know! I don't know how she (along with all the other French editors) do it. I wonder how long she does take to get ready....maybe it is easier if you have a "uniform" like she does?! Thanks so much re your lovely comment as well :)
