Monday, 17 August 2009

London Street Style...Beautiful Day*

Black. Fringed ankle boots and dress.
Accessorised with a Diet Coke and a Butterfly pendant.

*Beautiful Day, U2, All That You Can't Leave Behind, 2000


  1. beautifull post !
    all the pix are awesome
    i'll be back here for sure
    see you

    cheeky girl

  2. hi! any idea where she got her necklace? i love it and i can't find one alike on etsy, google or whatsoever. thanks! laura

  3. Hey laura- I am not sure where she got her necklace- she was French so it may even have been in Paris? If I see her again (and this does tend to happen to me!) I will ask and post it here for you :))

  4. thanks a lot! :) and i also wanted to say i love ur blog. laura
